JWAL Volume 51, Number 2 is Published
We are delighted to announce the latest edition of the Journal of West African Languages. The Golden Jubilee Volume is now available for free download here.
JWAL included in ERIH PLUS
We are delighted to inform you that JWAL has been approved for inclusion in ERIH PLUS.The ERIH PLUS listing of the journal is available here
JWAL is a Free, Open-Access Journal
The Journal of West African Languages is now a Free, Open-access, Online Journal. Open-access is, here, defined in accordance with the Budapest Open Access Initiative's (BOAI). However, users are to ensure that credit is given to the original publication source. Authors have the copyright and control over the integrity of their work. They have the right to be properly acknowlegded and cited. From 2015, all issues of the journal will be published on this website, and will be immediately accessible to linguists the world over, without the need to register or subscribe. There are no author charges for publication in JWAL.
Copyright of all publication on JWAL
As indicated above, authors are the sole copyright holders of their publications. All contents in the Journal of West African Languages, since 2015, are published under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) license.
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Past articles
We are pleased to announce that all past articles are now available for free download. Click on the Downloads tab and follow the links, or use the Search Downloads option to find articles on specific languages or language families, on a particular topic, or by a particular author.
New contributor guidelines and JWAL's Code of Ethics
Contributors are asked to note that the formatting requirements for papers have changed. They are also required to read the Publication Ethics Statement before submitting their articles. See the Contributor page for more details.
The Journal
The purpose of the Journal of West African Languages is to publish articles of good quality and interest in all aspects of language and linguistics that are relevant to the area of West Africa, which may be defined as Sub-Saharan Africa, extending into Central Africa. The Journal was founded in 1964 by the West African Linguistic Society, and has been in publication ever since, with gaps in 1972-73 and 1977-81. The International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) of JWAL is: 0022-5401.
The editorial board comprises: Prof Dr Adams Bodomo (Editor), Dr Hasiyatu Abubakari (Assistant Editor), Dr Isabella Jordanoska (Assistant Editor), Dr Samuel Alhassan Issah (Assistant Editor), Prof Akin Akinlabi (Editoral Advisor), Prof Felix K. Ameka (Editorial Advisor), Prof Flavien Gbeto (Editorial Advisor), Dr Keir Hansford (Consulting Editor), Prof Annie Rialland, and Prof Dr H Ekkehard Wolff.