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- Language Family: Other Benue-Congo
- Topic #1: Morphology
- Topic #2: Semantics
This study provides a unified reading of the Ẹdo -lv suffix. Previous analyses of the suffix have argued for either an iterative reading on verbs suffixed with the -lv extension or a plural reading on arguments (internal in the case of transitive verbs and external in the case of intransitive verbs). This work accounts for the reading of the Ẹdo -lv suffix as a complex interaction between aktionsart (the features [punctual] and [telic]) and transitivity. Preliminary data available lead us to posit that the basic function of the Ẹdo -lv suffix is to extend events temporally. It achieves this through two strategies; the -lv suffix ‘extends’ [+punctual] verbs by imposing an iterative reading on the verb while [-punctual] verbs are extended by pluralizing verbal arguments. This study thus shows the pertinent role of aktionsart in the grammar of the Ẹdo language.