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The archive of journals contains 739 items in 148 categories. To date, these have been downloaded 790,863 times.

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The Relative Clause in Mə̀dʉ́mbɑ̀ and the Architecture of the Left Perip The Relative Clause in Mə̀dʉ́mbɑ̀ and the Architecture of the Left Periphery


This article provides an analysis of the relative clause construction in Mə̀dʉ́mbɑ̀ that is consistent with some of the most recent theoretical analyses of relatives. Specifically, the article presents various kinds of relative clauses and then establishes the factors that differentiate one from the other. The analysis demonstrates that the structure of the relative clause in Mə̀dʉ́mbɑ̀, especially as concerns the co-occurrence of the relative marker and a regular complementizer, can be better captured if we assume De Vries’ IP-internal relative DP hypothesis and Rizzi’s split-C hypothesis and add to these the view that DP-Rel (the IP-internal relative clause) moves to Spec-FinP. It is further proposed that there is an EPP feature with an illocutionary force in the left periphery of CP which attracts FinP and pied-pipes the finiteness clause to the left periphery of the complementizer clause. The appropriate fronted constituent checks this EPP feature in Spec-ForceP (FinP) that is raised to that position.

Created 2020-Dec-11
Changed 2020-Dec-15
Size 429.73 KB
Author This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
MD5 Checksum 72cb5d641d54dc925b2b0bf645ac7dd7
Created by Hasiyatu Abubakari
Changed by Hasiyatu Abubakari
Downloads 373
SHA1 Checksum 26e96d2f6e09ebd39c28909402a03e532917597c
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