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  • Language Family: Gur
  • Topic #1: Phonology
Segmental Processes in Loanword Adaptation in Dag Segmental Processes in Loanword Adaptation in Dagbani


The Leteh (South Guan: Kwa) GIVE-verb nὲ occurs in various syntactic contexts in Leteh discourse. This paper conducts a synchronic analysis of its multiple occurrences, using grammaticalization theory as its analytic basis (Hopper and Traugott 2003). The morpheme occurs in five different syntactic environments as: the main verb of an unmarked clause; a causative verb in a serial verb construction; a benefactive verb in a benefactive/goal serial verb construction; a complementizer of a complement clause, and a resultative marker in a cause-effect serial verb construction. The paper demonstrates that in each of the environments, the morpheme acquires a different meaning and function whilst maintaining its form. Data for the study are sourced from a database of Leteh wordlists, folktales and elicitations from language speakers. The paper contributes to literature on the linguistics of the GIVE-verb in African and Kwa languages specifically.

Created 2021-Dec-25
Changed 2021-Dec-29
Size 595.15 KB
Author This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
MD5 Checksum c83f261ec423fab7cdd9f844d4c8c115
Created by Hasiyatu Abubakari
Changed by Hasiyatu Abubakari
Downloads 368
SHA1 Checksum 729ad47739be362c6985a825a8ea6e818bc2ba86
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