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  • Topic #1: Tense
  • Topic #2: Syntax
Temporal Remoteness Markers in Temporal Remoteness Markers in Buli


This paper discusses temporal remoteness markers (TRMs) in Bùlì. I show that despite being optional, TRMs are crucially different from temporal adverbials. The paper argues that these markers should be considered to be tenses. It also discusses how the results of this paper raise important issues in the analysis of temporal marking in the Mabia (Gur) languages in general.

Created 2022-Jun-23
Changed 2022-Jul-6
Size 382.74 KB
Author This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
MD5 Checksum 08a3f91ad9037c3b2feb9a2d36831974
Created by Hasiyatu Abubakari
Changed by Hasiyatu Abubakari
Downloads 314
SHA1 Checksum c23141c6bb0db65902726e09ad63dd6a9b925f35
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