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The archive of journals contains 739 items in 148 categories. To date, these have been downloaded 795,910 times.

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Download details
  • Language Family: Other Benue-Congo
  • Topic #1: Phonology
  • Topic #2: Vowels
A Review of Vowel Elision and Assimilation in Igbo: Clarification through Acoustic, Perceptual and Theoretical Anal A Review of Vowel Elision and Assimilation in Igbo: Clarification through Acoustic, Perceptual and Theoretical Analysis


Ọ dị ka e nwere mgbagwoju anya n’ihe ndị odee ụfọdụ derela (hụ Onuora, 2012; Emenanjo, 1991; Ngoesi, 2000; Omozuwa, 2021) iji kọwa ndapụ ụda na olilo ụda n’Igbo; ihe ndị yiri onwe ha a kọwara dịka olilo ụda n’ebe ụfọdụ ka a na-egosi na ha bụkwa ndapụ ụda n’ebe ọzọ. Ebe Onuora (2012); Emenanjo (1991); na Ngoesi (2000) kwuru hoohaa na e buuru ụzọ nwee olilo nlocha ụda n’ebe ụdaume ndị ahụ nọ tupu ha wee dapụ, Omozuwa (2021) ahụtaghị olilo na ha; kama ọ hụtara ha dịka ndapụ ụda. Nke a kpalitere mụọ ndị nchọcha, ma mekwaa ka e nyochaa ndapụ ụda na olilo ụda n’Igbo site n’ihe ndị e nwetara n’ajụjụ ọnụ nakwa ndị e nwetara site na ndị odee ndị a. A gbasoro usoro ogige ihe a sụrụ n’ọnụ, iji atụtụ nyochaa ihe a sụrụ, nakwa iji ngwa nnyocha ụmịụda wee nyochaa oge ole o were iji kpọpụta ụdaume gasị iji mee ka ebe ndi obi akwụkọghị ọnụ doo anya. A chọpụtara na e wezuga ebe e nwere ndapụ ụda sitere n’ngafe oge rue oge, ụdaume ndị a kọwara dịka ndapụ ụda bụ nanị olilo ụda; ha abụghị ndapụ ụda. Ha gosipụtara olilo nlocha ụda ebe ụdaume wụsara ihe nile gbasara ya ma kporu ihe ndị gbasara ụdaume ọzọ, mee ka ha abụọ bụrụ otu ụdị. Atụtụ nchocha gosikwara ụdaume ndị a bụzị otu ụdị dịka olilo ụda, oge o were iji kpọpụta ha dọtịkwara karia oge o were ịkpọpụta ụdaume ndị kwuuru onwe ha, ma gosikwa na nagbanyeghị ma oge o were ịkpọpụta ha o nwere otu ụdaolu ka ụdaolu ha ọ dị iche, ruru mmakọ abụọ ihe o were iji kpọpụta ụdaume ndị nọọrọ onwe ya ma bụrụkwa otu ụdị. Ọzọ, nchọcha a ahụtaghị di ka eziokwu ihe e kwuru na ọ bụ mgbe a na-ekwu okwu ọsọọsọ ka a na-enwe ndapụ ụda na olilo ụda; kama a na-ahụtakwa ha mgbe e ji nwayọ ekwu okwu.

Created 2023-Dec-9
Changed 2023-Dec-12
Size 974.06 KB
Author This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
MD5 Checksum e016091bfee828c5552e5f165e84dae0
Created by Hasiyatu Abubakari
Changed by Hasiyatu Abubakari
Downloads 356
SHA1 Checksum c1aefc3f2cf1e206102eb09788b3c444523001fd
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